"So Let it Be Written... So Let it Be Done"

The life and times of a real, down to earth, nice guy. A relocated New Englander formerly living somewhere north of Boston, but now soaking up the bright sun of southwestern Florida (aka The Gulf Coast) for over nine years. Welcome to my blog world. Please leave it as clean as it was before you came. Thanks for visiting, BTW please leave a relevant comment so I know you were here. No blog spam, please. (c) MMV-MMXIX Court Jester Productions & Bamford Communications

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Scanning the news

Unlike some people, I'm not a news junkie. So when I scan the news and post about it, that usually means I'm bored.

Here are some stories from the last 10 days or so that caught my eye.

I'm terribly disappointed in you science officianados and so-called "experts" not even noticing the passing on May 20th of one of your own. So here, here, here and here are bits on the life and famed "experiment" of one Stanley Miller.

It's a sad day today for New Hampshire, but one not totally unexpected, as one more thread of the moral fiber of our society unravels.

In tribute to Rev. Billy Graham, 88, the entire cadre of living ex-US Presidents (Jimmy Carter, GHW Bush, and Bill Clinton) were on hand for the grand opening of his museum and library in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Talk about a serious population problem. Imagine being one of these.

Here are some other, rather odd stories that I came across. Read about:

A proposed alien themed amusement park in Roswell, New Mexico.


The capture of Reggie, the hip and elusive L.A. alligator.


A frivolous lawsuit regarding vomit.


How about a false bomb threat (thankfully).

On a more serious note, you all should know how seriously I appreciate and value books. So it bothers me when someone wants to burn them.

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At 31 May, 2007 15:16, Blogger American Guy said...

"On a more serious note, you all should know how seriously I appreciate and value books. So it bothers me when someone wants to burn them."

Did you actually read the article? As a book lover - you should appreciate what he was doing in drawing attention to the fact that books aren't valued anymore (to the point that he couldn't even give them away!)

At 31 May, 2007 15:17, Blogger American Guy said...

"It's a sad day today for New Hampshire, but one not totally unexpected, as one more thread of the moral fiber of our socitey unravels."

Remind me again how the state recognising the legitimacy of 2 people's love for one another threatens you.

At 31 May, 2007 15:25, Blogger Tim said...

AG: there are other, less destructive ways to draw attention to the value of the written word other than burning books. I don't understand how this activity will make people appreciate books more.

Regarding your 2nd comment: I believe I've raised my objections to this particular topic before. No need to rehash since my view hasn't changed.

At 31 May, 2007 15:59, Blogger American Guy said...

yes there are other ways to draw attention to the issue, but sometimes it takes a powerful statement to get your point across.

Besides, if the boooks were ultimately going to be thrown away since he couldn't sell or give them to people, why not get some attention?

As to the second - if there's truly "No need to rehash" your view, why did you bring it up?

At 31 May, 2007 17:32, Blogger JLee said...

I think I could go for that alien amusement park Roswell thing! Sounds like fun to me! lol

At 31 May, 2007 18:34, Blogger Tim said...

AG: Becasue it's my blog and I felt like mentioning it.

Seriously though, I find it a sad commentary on the disintegration of the Judeo-Christian construct on which this nation was founded. Plus, I've been following the story locally and now that it's official thought it was note worthy.

jlee: yeah, the Roswell Alien Amusement Park does sound like it could be lots of fun.

At 31 May, 2007 19:48, Blogger American Guy said...

fair enough, you felt like mentinoing it - just do't be surprised then when people comment on it!

oh no, not the judeo xian construct bit agin? tell us more about how we're a xian nation and the founding fathers all worshiped your god and wanted to make sure we did too. evidence to the contrary be damned.

besides - i don't think your 'construct' has anything to do with civil recognition of human rights. doesn't this fit squarely in the 'render unto caeser' basket?


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