"So Let it Be Written... So Let it Be Done"

The life and times of a real, down to earth, nice guy. A relocated New Englander formerly living somewhere north of Boston, but now soaking up the bright sun of southwestern Florida (aka The Gulf Coast) for over nine years. Welcome to my blog world. Please leave it as clean as it was before you came. Thanks for visiting, BTW please leave a relevant comment so I know you were here. No blog spam, please. (c) MMV-MMXIX Court Jester Productions & Bamford Communications

Thursday, March 02, 2006

"Discover Dallas" part I

The day went really well. Though it was a bit cooler, there was not a hint of any rain.

The day started early, at 7:45 with a nice breakfast of breakfast burritos, fruit and orange juice. Brian and myself sat at an empty table near the front right edge of the room, close to the exit. When we came back to the table with our food there were four other people who joined us including a married couple (I don't remember where they were from) and two single young ladies who had never met but were both from Dallas. One of the ladies was very attractive, with stunning eyes, a bright outgoing smile, long brown hair and ample southern charm. Her quite unusual name is Cerissa. I'm going to have to find out what that name means...

Towards the end of breakfast the Admissions Department Director came to the podium and gave an introduction to the seminary. I'd say there were near to 200 prospective students there. What amazed me was the geographic diversity in attendance as 29 of the 50 states were represented. Would you believe I was the only New Englander in attendance?

Once breakfast was done we had an option of sitting in on one of five classes or meeting with the admissions department. I chose a class in the area of Eschatology with the topic being the futurist view of the Revelation. It was an interesting class and the professor, Dr. Nathan Holsteen, was both friendly and knowledgeable.

Then came the chapel service where the President of the Seminary was supposed to speak but did not due to a week long illness. Instead, one of the schools oldest and most respected professors spoke. Dr. Stanley Toussaint has been on the faculty at DTS since 1960 and is a marvelous speaker and expositor. He spoke on Luke 16:19-31, which is Jesus teaching about the rich man and Lazarus.

At lunch we got a chance to eat and interact with some of the faculty based on our expressed areas of interest, of which mine was Bible Exposition. The faculty who were at my table were Professor Fantin who teaches New Testament Greek and the very well known Professor J. Dwight Pentecost, who has taught at DTS since 1955.

After lunch I had the opportunity to attend an information panel which featured the directors of housing, financial aid, student insurance and student services talking about their areas of involvement. This was a very helpful session with tons of information presented.

Then we had a choice of attending five more classes or meeting with the admissions department. So it was onto another class for me, staying in the area of Eschatology. This time the topic was Jesus and the Covenants with Dr. Glenn Kreider. This was a much larger class and was held in an auditorium style room. At the beginning of the class he showed two U2 videos, "Death" and "Where the Streets Have No Name." How he tied them into his presentation I'm not quite sure. Apparently he's been doing this throughout the semester. But it was a fast moving class after that.

I had to leave that class a bit early to be on-time for a fantastic ice cream social at which the president of the Seminary, Dr. Mark Bailey, spoke.

Once the ice cream was gone, the day was done as far as the planned schedule went. Daniel picked us up in his small car, which was loaded with so much stuff that the guy riding shotgun had a lap full of stuff and the other three of us squashed into the back seat, so that we resembled circus clowns jammed into a too-small car. Fortunately it's only a ten minute drive to his apartment.

About 19:00, the group of us, joined by Jennifer and two others decided to go out to eat. Fortunately we took two vehicles. We went to a BBQ place called Sonny Bryan's Smokehouse Barbecue. What sounded good at the start was not good for me in the end. I did not like the food at this place at all and hardly ate anything.

When we got back to the apartment, the consensus (not me) was to watch Napoleon Dynamite on DVD, which had to be the dumbest movie I've seen in a long time. So bad it was that I fell asleep on it, dosing on the couch before deciding to go to bed.

All in all it was a great, very informative day.


At 03 March, 2006 00:12, Blogger Ruth said...

Glad it's going well! :o) Hope you're having a good time!

At 03 March, 2006 01:35, Blogger Kayla said...

Sleep well..

At 04 March, 2006 01:21, Blogger Zeppelinlady said...

Glad you're enjoying Dallas in an informative way. Hopefully you'll get another chance to see Cerissa again.(so I'm a romantic)*wink wink*

At 04 March, 2006 09:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't you like the bbq place? Did the chickens have large talons or something?

Glad you're having a good time!

At 04 March, 2006 10:03, Blogger Tim said...

I had a wonderful time and it was very informative. I met lots of great people, the beginning of lifelong friendships, I hope.

The BBQ place was just not my thing. But Chipotle the previous day was great!

At 04 March, 2006 11:13, Blogger Deb said...

Sounds very interesting... The breakfast was good-----and the bbq place not so good. However, you got to meet some lovely ladies...now that's not so bad! ;)

At 04 March, 2006 11:27, Blogger Kayla said...

Face it, Green...you are a hot chick magnet!
Glad your learned alot and met some new friends.

At 04 March, 2006 21:17, Blogger Tim said...

~deb: the school has a ratio of 70/30 men to women. And it seems at least that a goodly percentage of the women who go there are married. So the actual percentage of single women is probably much lower than that.

kayla: you are waaay too kind!!! However, I'm always on the lookout for attractive (to me) single ladies... ;>)

At 05 March, 2006 00:30, Blogger Kayla said...

Hey, I call it like I see it...never sell yourself short! You have alot to offer. Intelligence is very sexy.


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