"So Let it Be Written... So Let it Be Done"

The life and times of a real, down to earth, nice guy. A relocated New Englander formerly living somewhere north of Boston, but now soaking up the bright sun of southwestern Florida (aka The Gulf Coast) for over nine years. Welcome to my blog world. Please leave it as clean as it was before you came. Thanks for visiting, BTW please leave a relevant comment so I know you were here. No blog spam, please. (c) MMV-MMXIX Court Jester Productions & Bamford Communications

Monday, February 27, 2006


I was going to post on Acts 16:19-40 today as I had promised but I got a wee bit distracted. So you'll have to wait until tomorrow for that. Sorry.

In other news: The urologost called me back today with the results of the CT scan. Seems like my discarding the last half of the Barium Sulfate crap didn't hurt the pictures. They must over pack the packet, knowing that NO ONE can drink 30 oz. of that stuff in one sitting. Doctor Evil says that I have a wee-small stone in my right kidney that is the size of a pin-head, thus I should pass it easily. The rest of me insides looks okee-dokee he tells me. Super.

I decided today that I'm only going to work a half of a day tomorrow, so that I can do last minute trip related stuff. Like finish packing, etc. I went to Wal-Mart tonight to do four things, three of them trip related. I did two of them and forgot about the others, until I got home....

I'll be staying at my parent's house tomorrow night, since my brother is driving me to the airport and he lives at their house as well. It's also good, because I'm going out with G and P tomorrow evening and when we're done, I'm already halfway there. I also won't have to get up quite as early as I would have since there'll be somewhat less traffic to contend with in the AM. I am only a morning person becasue my current job-thing forces me to be.

The posting plan for the trip is this: I'm bringing my laptop and will post when I am able to. If I can't post on Wednesday or Thursday, I'll write some stuff down and back date some posts for those days for you. So stay tuned. Pictures of my trip will have to wait until I get back. Don't worry, I have a disposable camera already tucked away in my suitcase.

My son M has gotten into the habit of trying to pants me lately. So I have been doing it right back to him. Now it's like a game between us. I've gotten him three times and he did actually get me once yesterday. Good fun.

That toy I mentioned in a recent post sold today on ebay for $100 to a person in Honolulu, Hawaii. And they just sent me a paypal payment. Gotta love that. I'm going to mail it out tomorrow after work, since I must check my mailbox once more before I go.

Aaaah but now it is off to sleep for me. I hear my pillows calling.....


At 28 February, 2006 07:41, Blogger Genna said...

Hope you have a great trip! Can't wait to hear about it. Don't forget to pick up something small for your kids--at least a postcard.

At 28 February, 2006 08:03, Blogger DaBich said...

Have fun Green, and be safe! Tell us lots of stuff and take lots of pics :)

At 28 February, 2006 10:17, Blogger Kayla said...

Yeaahh! So glad your CT results were good.
You never mentioned what the toy actually was that you sold on Ebay.(only that it was your childhood toy) Now I'm curious!
Again, have a wonderful and safe trip.

At 28 February, 2006 10:39, Blogger Kristi B. said...

Have a good time! Drink lots of Dr. Pepper, and eat lots of the wonderful Mexican food!

At 28 February, 2006 13:24, Blogger DaBich said...

Tomorrow is the day!! :)

At 28 February, 2006 15:08, Blogger Tim said...

genna: good tip. thanks.

dabich: I will and you'll read all about it & see some cool pics (I hope)

kayla: yeah it was a relief. The toy was a Lion Vorce Voltron. What it is is five lions (black, red, green, yellow and blue) that come together to form a giant robot. There was a cartoon series (Japanese anime') about it in the early 80's). I remember watching it as a kid. Great stuff.

Kristi: No Dr. Pepper for me. That stuf is naaaasty. Is that drink popular in the south??

Thanks all, I'm looking forward to a safe trip and a great time.

At 28 February, 2006 20:40, Blogger Minister Scribe said...

My child, this pull quote from you is how all those priests got into trouble:

"My son M has gotten into the habit of trying to pants me lately. So I have been doing it right back to him. Now it's like a game between us. I've gotten him three times and he did actually get me once yesterday. Good fun."

Now knocketh it off!!!

At 01 March, 2006 20:27, Blogger American Guy said...

"No Dr. Pepper for me. That stuf is naaaasty."

This from the one person in the World who still drinks mountain dew? I've only seen a substance that colour in a chemistry lab, and yet you willingly ingest it?


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