"So Let it Be Written... So Let it Be Done"

The life and times of a real, down to earth, nice guy. A relocated New Englander formerly living somewhere north of Boston, but now soaking up the bright sun of southwestern Florida (aka The Gulf Coast) for over nine years. Welcome to my blog world. Please leave it as clean as it was before you came. Thanks for visiting, BTW please leave a relevant comment so I know you were here. No blog spam, please. (c) MMV-MMXIX Court Jester Productions & Bamford Communications

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A New Era has begun

Well at least it has at the company I work for.

Last Friday was my friend R's last day after logging seven years at the same job. He gave his two week notice and now has the same job as he did at my company but for a larger company with greater stability and with more pay. So now I continuously wonder about my job security because R was the one who got me in the door here and I know I'm nowhere near the favorite employee. I work hard and have become good at what I do but I won't blow sunshine up anyone's a** and I ask too many questions. I'm definitely not a YES man for the owner. We have one engineer, a guy in his 50's, who is also not a YES man. He was hired two weeks after I was and is also not a favorite of the owner. We have another engineer who is 24 and just got her MA in May. We also have an intern who is 22 and still in school. These two ladies are smart and work hard but are also young and impressionable.

The owner of the company has brought in his son (which I can understand) and his son's best buddy and they are slowly sucking the life out of the company. They have, unknowingly or unwittingly perhaps, ushered in an era of negativity amongst the crew. Aside from the owner, son and buddy, practically everyone else who works there is looking to get out and off of the sinking ship. I really don't think that this company will be able to finish out the year, since finances are tight for the owner, whose building overhead and payroll suck up all of the profits from our one and only customer and (so far) non-profitable r & d projects.

The owner has asked the intern to take over some of R's responsibilities, which if that were the only thing on her plate she could probably handle. When I got the memo of the changes I thought that it was absurd. This intern is going back to school full time next month and yet probably will be expected to put in 30 hours per week at work. Not to mention that she'll be a graduate assistant one day a week as well.

I'm going to talk to the owner tomorrow and tell him I'd like to be considered for R's position and see what he says. His reaction will give me a good idea of my worth to the company, or not...

Though no matter what, I'm still looking for other opportunities.


Ex asked me on Monday if there was any way we could meet earlier on Friday than our normal 5 PM time, so I can take V and M for the weekend. She revealed to me that she has a new boyfriend, Randy.

I don't particularly care that she does, as long as she's happy. After all, we've been divorced for more than two years now and *I* have been looking for another relationship myself. All I'll be concerned about is how he will treat V and M when she finally introduces them and to a lesser extent, how he treats her. Even though I'm the ex, I wouldn't want to see her get involved in an abusive relationship.

But in talking to her it made me wonder: Is it that easy? And What am I doing wrong/not doing?

She met him when they both were at the car dealership waiting for their vehicles to be repaired and they started talking and now they've been dating for about a month...


At 09 August, 2006 16:30, Blogger Mystical Me said...

WOW, I know exactly what thats like working for a failing company. But theres always a chance for it to come back if they take the right steps forward. But from the sounds of things it doesnt sound like it will make it in the next few years. With that said I really do hope you get the position you want & things start looking up for your company. But if you decide to quit then I dont care either way what happens to the company as long as your safe.

I used to work for the IRS But when Bush came into office he shut down our building & everyone lost their jobs thanks to him. All his cut backs really fucked some of us & he doesnt care, why would he, hes set for life now. I m just letting you know I can relate to your situation. I was lucky because at the time they closed the building, I had been dancing as well. So it didnt hurt me as badly as it could have at the time. I honestly hope this isnt what happens to you. So if you really think its going under, you might want to look for job security somewhere else sweetheart. I know it sucks, but you need to worry about you, not the company. Anyways I hope all is well & do take care of yourself. Love always, MM XOXO

At 09 August, 2006 21:28, Blogger Kayla said...

I'd keep looking for another job.
In the meantime, I hope you do get R's position..just go in there and sell yourself. (no need to blow sunshine!) haha You cracked me up with that one :)
I know how hard it is to meet people. It does seem like chance encounters are few and far between.
But, that is how I met Tom, so you never know.
Good luck!

At 10 August, 2006 10:18, Blogger DaBich said...

Good luck on seeking R's job. I hope you get it! Meantime, keep looking, you never know what may come up!

At 15 August, 2006 04:38, Blogger DaBich said...

Hi Priscilla, it's all good :)
How's you?


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