How well do you know me?

(And there was much rejoicing....Yaaaaay!)
I really do appreciate all of you who take the time to read here and share in this corner of my life. The only complaints I can muster are that y'all need to leave more comments AND because I usually tend to post alot, I think some of you miss out on some of the posts I write (hence comments would help here because then I know you're not missing stuff), so please scroll down and catch up on what you might have missed. [Not to mention three years of archives...LOL!] Mucho gracias.
Since this is my 3rd bloggiversary (and some of you amazingly have been reading here nearly from the get go) I wonder, after three years, how well do you really know me? How much have you actually been paying attention to what you read?
Fill out what you think are the correct answers to the following 25 questions and leave them in the comments section. I may offer a prize to the lucky stiff with the most correct answers. I'd offer a prize for the most amusing answers too, but I'm too cheap for two prizes.
That's not really true, though, I'm really a very generous person. ;>)
I really do want to see how much you've been paying attention and what kind of answers you manage to come up with. In the three years I've been with you here in bloggy-land, I've probably answered every one of these questions at one time or another. Go nuts. Knock yourself out. Have fun. Play nice with the other children.
At some point I'll leave a comment with the correct answers.
1. Did we meet in person?
2.If so, Where did we meet and when?
3. If we haven't met in person yet, would you like to meet at some point?
4. Take a stab at my (real life) middle name?
5. Do I smoke?
6. Do I drink (alcohol)?
7. If I do, what would be my favorite drink?
8. What are the color of my eyes?
9. Do I have any brothers or sisters?
10. What's one of my favorite things to do?
11. What's one of my least favorite things to do?
12.What's my favorite type of music?
13. What's my favorite movie?
14. Who is my favorite actor?
15. Who is my favorite actress?
16. Am I shy or outgoing?
17. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?
18. What special talents do I have?
19. How long was I married for?
20. How many children do I have?
21. What are their names (or the blogger equivalent of)?
22. If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I would bring?
23. How many times did I have surgery?
24. what was it for?
25. Where did I go on the best vacation I ever had?
Must take care of business - Happy 25th birthday, C.
Labels: about me, bloggiversary, fun stuff, life in general
Wow, a test. I always flunk tests. I'll take a stab at it a bit later when I have more time.
happy birthday C, whoever you are.
. Did we meet in person?_______no______
2.If so, Where did we meet and when?_______n/a______
3. If we haven't met in person yet, would you like to meet at some point?_____hell yeah!_________
4. Take a stab at my (real life) middle name?____judas?_______________
5. Do I smoke? nope______________________
6. Do I drink (alcohol)?_________________never touched the stuff__
7. If I do, what is my favorite drink?_________you tricky little minx you____
8. What are the color of my eyes?_______________green like the delicate pools between the legs of some sexy amphibian______
9. Do I have any brothers or sisters?____a brother?______________
10. What's one of my favorite things to do?_______take the Bible literally! ___________
11. What's one of my least favorite things to do?________________Hear about evolution__
12.What's my favorite type of music?_________Classic rock 'n roll_____________
13. What's my favorite movie?_____________________________
Debbie Duz Dishes
14. Who is my favorite actor?__________________Harrison Bow down Ford!!!______
15. Who is my favorite actress?___________Jennife Aniston____________
16. Am I shy or outgoing?___________Shy_________________
17. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?____Nobody who follows the Bible is a rebel_______________
18. What special talents do I have?____________I will ask American Guy_________________
19. How long was I married for?__________6 years?_________
20. How many children do I have?_________________2________
21. What are their names (or the blogger equivalent of)?_____________They don't have names, just initials because they are too poor_____
22. If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I would bring?________________A Bible_________
23. How many times did I have surgery?______huh?___________
24. what was it for?__________________
Mending a broken heart?
What do I win???
25. Where did I go on the best vacation I ever had?_______________
Oops, forgot. ISRAEL!!!
Ding ding ding!!!
i'll refrain from playing as i have an unfair advantage. but i'll drop a clue on the middle name game. He shares it with a highly placed member of the democratic party
Hey. I can't do them all but I'll throw in a few.
1- No
3- We should have one big blogger fest!
4- It really is Green! (starts with a T)
5- I'll guess no
6- I'll guess no, or at least not often
8- Brown? I clearly don't look at those pictures well.
9- At least 1 sister
10- Perhaps write? Watch movies?
Skipped unknown questions
15- Has to be Jennifer Anniston or Garner
16- I'll guess somewhere in the middle
17- Rule follower
20- 2
21- Um.. V and M I think
23- At least 1
24- kidney stone
25- To SC! (maybe? :)
EVeryone answered most of them already so I'll go for the middle name one... Edward?
Happy Bloggiversary!! xo
come on people, there must be more of you who want to take a stab at this little test.
Green: Pardon my tardiness, but I would assume that I shouldn't approach this test since I know all of the answers. (I think I do, that is.) I am a little curious about the "rebel." It is a bit subjective, eh? I think I know what YOU think, but I would dare say based on my experience here on Blogger, you are quite a "mild lad" compared with some of the, let's say, "unusual blogs/blokes" I've seen.
I know your middle name too! :)
Plbbbbbb. . . (That's supposed to be me sticking out my tongue doing a raspberry, but I don't really know how to spell that. :) )
Scribe: It's your longest comment ever, I think!
e: go ahead and answer the questions if you want, since you are one of the few who has read every post on my blog, archives and all.
Did we meet in person? = No
2.If so, Where did we meet and when? = N/A
3. If we haven't met in person yet, would you like to meet at some point? = Sure
4. Take a stab at my (real life) middle name? "Green"
5. Do I smoke? = No
6. Do I drink (alcohol)? = Yes
7. If I do, what would be my favorite drink? = Wine
8. What are the color of my eyes? = Green
9. Do I have any brothers or sisters? = Sister
10. What's one of my favorite things to do? = Write.
11. What's one of my least favorite things to do? = Work
12.What's my favorite type of music? = Blues
13. What's my favorite movie? = Superman
14. Who is my favorite actor? = Patrick Swaze
15. Who is my favorite actress? = Jennifer Anniston
16. Am I shy or outgoing? = Shy
17. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? = Rules
18. What special talents do I have? =
19. How long was I married for? = 5 years
20. How many children do I have? = 2
21. What are their names (or the blogger equivalent of)? = Mary and Kate
22. If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I would bring? = The Good Book
23. How many times did I have surgery? = twice
24. what was it for? = Heart
25. Where did I go on the best vacation I ever had? = Rome
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