Simple things that make me smile
Have you ever seen the movie Madagascar?
What always makes me smile is how M always dances around the room singing, " I wanna move it, move it." He gets all crazy and dances without the slightest bit of self-consciousness, every time he hears this song. Then he gets V into it, but she doesn't have the enthusiasm that he does.
I love it when my kids make me smile. One of the best feelings in the world, that is.
Kids are wonderful. If you have a camcorder, that dance would be especially great to have for future viewing :)
I haven't watched the movie, however my children have..usually I'll view a movie before I allow them to watch but I figured this one would be ok ....
Nothing better than spending that quality time with your kids. Appreciate every second, it goes by soooooo fast !!
This movie is harmless. A little corny but basically harmless.
Good thing they cut the penguin sex scene!!!
scribe: sshhh that's in the uncut, unrated director's edition...
Sweet...I'll be over later with some brews and popcorn and we'll run it in slo-mo ;)
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