Discover Dallas - March 3
A map of campus was printed on the back of our information packet. Came in very handy, it did.
Dr. Chuck Swindoll was the featured speaker at the chapel service on Friday morning.
Dr. Howard Hendricks spoke after lunch about "Why Seminary?" He gave some examples of things to look for when considering seminary.
After a few extra activities on Friday afternoon, I got a ride to my hotel for the night.
On the way to my hotel near DFW Airport, we passed a rather dumpy looking Texas Staduim, where the Dallas Cowboys play football.
How exciting it is to see where I slept on Friday night!! wooo-hoooo!
Looking up at my hotel room window.
Zooming out, still looking up at my hotel room window.
One thing I didn't realize when I booked my room is that I might need to eat supper. There were no restaurants on my side of the highway.
Dallas Stadium reminds me of Mellon Arena! lol
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Oh wow, kinda reminds me of Jersey a little bit. I like seeing pictures when people go away. Gives you the full imagery. That must have been a cool experience. :)
I think it's interesting how different Dallas looks depending on the time of year... were you amazed by the lack of trees? I think that's what most strikes me whenever I'm there...
dabich: cities should take pride in how their staduims look. When I flew over Milwaukee I recognized Miller Park, where the Brewers play and the place was gorgeous, even from the air.
deb: jersey is no fun. I'll be going there in a few weeks to visit my grandfather.
sarafina: nice to see you again! Haveing never been to Dallas before I didn't really notice the lack of trees. There were a few on the quad on the campus, but I really didn't get to experience much else that Dallas has to offer. Perhaps next time I'll notice.
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