Books of the Month - October 2008
I'm going to recommend three books for you this month, all by the same author. Some of this man's work has been around for a hundred years and I just recently discovered it this year. The man is Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936).
The first selection this month is The Everlasting Man, first published in 1925. This is the first book of his that I read, back in the spring.

Through an insightful study of the history and nature of man, Chesterton draws the conclusion that the central character in history is Jesus Christ. Then he triumphantly explodes the myth that Jesus is the product of human imagination, asserting with unassailable logic that Jesus Christ is the God who stepped into his own creation right at the perfect time.
This book was one that had a profound effect on the life of C.S. Lewis.
Buy your copy here and here.
The second selection is The Man Who was Thursday, first published in 1908.

Seven members of the Central Anarchist Council, for reasons of security, call themselves by the days of the week but meet out in the open to discuss their evil plans. Who are these guys, anyway?
Buy your copy here and here.
The final selection is Orthodoxy, first published in 1908, which I'm reading right now. Well, not at this precise moment but have been reading for the past week or so.

A bit from the back cover: Of the numerous works that Chesterton wrote, the most scintillating synthesis of his philosophy and deeply religious faith was manifested in Orthodoxy, written when he was only thirty-four. It tells of his earth shaking discovery that orthodoxy is the only satisfactory answer to the perplexing riddle of the universe.
Chesterton was a pagan at twelve and totally agnostic by sixteen. His personal positive philosophy turned out to be orthodox Christianity. This is his account of it and the simple plausibility of traditional Christianity.
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