The human eye is a marvelously complicated and complex organ, don't you think? I couldn't even imagine going through life without my sight. Being blind - it's my worst nightmare.
Ever since I was a kid, I've always liked going to the optometrist. I was always fascinated by all of the neat equipment they get to use. After all these years, I still am. I've worn glasses since before the start of the sixth grade, or roughly for more than 25 years. Now I get to try something totally new (for me). Something that V has dealt with since she was six months old. What's that you ask? Read on...
1: posterior chamber 2: ora serrata 3: ciliary muscle 4: ciliary zonules 5: canal of Schlemm 6: pupil 7: anterior chamber 8: cornea 9: iris 10: lens cortex 11: lens nucleus 12: ciliary process 13: conjuntiva 14: inferior oblique muscule 15: inferior rectus muscule 16: medial rectus muscle 17: retinal arteries and veins 18: optic disc 19: dura mater 20: central retinal artery 21: central retinal vein 22: optical nerve 23: vorticose vein 24: bulbar sheat 25: macula 26: fovea 27: sclera 28: choroid 29: superior rectus muscule 30: retina
I had an eye doctor appointment tonight, my first in over three years. Predictably, my eyes have gotten worse since last time I went, so I'll be getting new glasses soon.
Ever since I was a kid, I've always liked going to the optometrist. I was always fascinated by all of the neat equipment they get to use. After all these years, I still am. Even before the eye doc said it, I knew what he was going to tell me about the results of my exam:
Fortunately the technology for bifocals has come a long way in the last 30 years or so. When you see my new glasses, you won't even be able to tell that they are bifocals since they will be blended lenses.
It will take some time getting used to them, I know, but I can handle it.
(My daughter V was born with lazy eye and has had bifocals since she was six months old. She'll be eleven in a few weeks.)
Totally unrelated to eyes but not worthy of it's own post: Check out this from the "You've Gotta Be Kidding Me" Department. That's 13 1/2 years people!!!
Old man.
Not quite yet. But getting there....
Hey, I've worn bi-focals for over 5 years...and never had the "line" noticeable on them.
I even have bi-focal contacts!
My mom just got the blended bifocals, and she complained about them for a long time. It took a long time for her to get used to them, even if she ever did.
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