"So Let it Be Written... So Let it Be Done"

The life and times of a real, down to earth, nice guy. A relocated New Englander formerly living somewhere north of Boston, but now soaking up the bright sun of southwestern Florida (aka The Gulf Coast) for over nine years. Welcome to my blog world. Please leave it as clean as it was before you came. Thanks for visiting, BTW please leave a relevant comment so I know you were here. No blog spam, please. (c) MMV-MMXIX Court Jester Productions & Bamford Communications

Friday, February 10, 2006

A good start to the weekend

It started yesterday when I received my order in the mail from one of my favorite online stores, minus one item on backorder.

Today I am very fortunate. Let me explain my nervousness.

This week I wrote two checks, one for my car insurance and the other for my rent. I knew I would be able to cover the car insurance check if it hit my account first. The rent check I knew would bounce when it hit my account, first or second. If the rent check hit first then the car insurance check would also bounce. But, my ace in the hole came through today. Neither check has cleared my account yet AND my federal tax refund hit my account today. So now I can catch up with Mr. Electric Company and Ms. Cable TV and Internet. Grocery store here I come. I can now also purchase my plane tickets for Dallas. Woo-hoo.

Plus, my kiddoes are here for the weekend, which is ALWAYS good.

It's suposed to snow on Saturday after midnight and into the afternoon on Sunday here in the Northeast. A potential killer storm- I've heard between 12-18" of the white stuff. Now the big question is: will Nashua get hit hard or will the storm pass just to the south and east of me, meaning Massachusetts and maybe New Hampshire's pathetic excuse for a coastline... even weather.com isn't sure how the storm will track.

Pitchers and Catchers report next Saturday to Ft. Myers, FL for the start of Red Sox Spring Training 2006. This is good because it meas that warmer days are a comin'.


At 11 February, 2006 15:16, Blogger Deb said...

Bills bills bills. I hate them all! I feel your pain. We're getting hit hard here in New York later tonight too. Just be sure to get all cozied up watching your favorite show.

As far as spring training with the Red Sox---even Johnny Damon knew who the better team was. *wink wink* Hehe, just bustin on ya!

Enjoy your weekend! Stay warm!

At 11 February, 2006 17:05, Blogger Tim said...

shannon: me too. it would have bounced reeeeeaaallly high.

I hope the storm passes to the south of me, which means it'll probably dump on you. Don't do too much cookin' & cleanin' & goin' all domestic on me...

I shall stay safe and have a great weekend. Same to you.

~deb: bills are bad but it's nice to be able to pay them. Stay safe in the storm too. I'm going to pop in a dvd.

I won't hold it against ya dat youz a yankeez fan seein that youz a nooo yawka.

At 11 February, 2006 20:41, Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

We're supposed to get that same storm system up here (New Brunswick Canada) tomorrow, Sunday, afternoon and evening. They're calling it a blizzard, so I know it'll be bad...not looking forward to it. I hope I'm home from Bible study before it starts or gets too bad!

At 12 February, 2006 09:09, Blogger DaBich said...

We've got about 2 inches from that storm, and maybe one to two more expected today (Sunday) so I guess we're fortunate here in good ol' PA. I'm sick of snow and winter, and longing for Spring, so bring on Spring Training!

At 12 February, 2006 10:25, Blogger Deb said...

Even though New York is where I live--Boston is still in my heart. I went to P-Town in the midst of the World Series against the Yanks and Red Sox---WOW I never saw so many dykes wanna kill me.


At 12 February, 2006 18:29, Blogger wmy said...

Hey sweetie!! Missed ya!!
Gotta love that Federal return huh?? LOL

At 12 February, 2006 20:43, Blogger Ruth said...

Brrrr... it looks just miserable there.. stay warm!! :o)


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