Busy weekend ahead
My kids and I are in store for a real busy weekend.
This afternoon after work, I met ex at Marshalls in Nashua so V and M could stay with me for the weekend, as usual.
Tonight, after dinner, M picked for his movie selection, "Ice Age." This to get us psyched up to go see "Ice Age 2: the Meltdown" tomorrow afternoon.
After V and M went to bed, I decided to do a load of laundry. No problem, right? Of course there was a problem, or I wouldn't be telling you the story! I did the wash with no problem. After I put the laundry in the dryer, I put my $1.25 in quarters in the dryer, selected my cycle and pushed the start button. Nothing. Pushed it again. Nothing. If the dryer were a pinball machine, I would have tilted it. Still nothing. Great. Now I have a laundry basket full of wet clothes and no dryer. Fortunately, the back door to the building next to mine was unlocked. So I took my basked of wet clothes next door and used one of the dryers over there. Crowded? Are you kidding? On a Friday night? Of course they were. Everyone does laundry on Friday nights instead of, say, going out for a few drinks or catching a movie with your girlfriend.....
Saturday morning, we are going back to CBD for their first warehouse sale of the year. I absolutely love going to this place (as I have posted twice previously about)and my kids do too.
Sunday and Monday my church is hosting a conference called Answers in Genesis. The guest speaker is Ken Ham. Ham, a native of Australia, is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America. Just to give you an idea of how popular this guy is, my church scheduled him to come speak at this conference five years ago! The last time he was in New England was eight years ago. There are church groups all over New England expected to come. This conference is going to be amazing.
Here's the schedule for the adults (fortunately for V, M and myself, meetings geared for kids will be held during the adult sessions.)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
08:45-10:00 The relevance of Genesis in Today`s World.
10:15-11:30 The Bible Explains Dinosaurs
18:00-19:00 Genesis: Key to Reclaiming the Culture
19:30-20:30 Defending the Christian Faith in Today`s Scientific Age.
Monday, April 03, 2006
09:30-11:00 Student Meeting (Grades K-6)
13:00-14:30 Student Meeting (Grades 7-12)
19:00-20:00 Why Won`t They Listen?
20:20-21:20 One Blood: The Biblical Answer to Racism.
I signed up to help out at the book table. Guess what? Volunteers need to show up an hour before the first service to learn how to process credit card payments & such.
Sunday is going to be a long day. Fun but long. I'll try to take some notes during the sessions and post some summaries for you, possibly starting on Monday.
Please report back on how the Bible explains dinosaurs... :o)
You ARE the busy bee this weekend. Sad to say that many of us have nothing better to do than laundry on a Friday night. Then again, I've always said that the weekend is the same as weekdays to me...go figure. Luckily, you found a place to dry your laundry.
Have a good weekend & see ya Monday! :)
I don't know how the big book itself explains dinosaurs, but the 'answers' guy has become, um a bit notorious for his views on such things - his web site is actually quite hysterical. That is until you realise that he's serious and heaps of people believe him.
Of course heaps of people believed there were WMDs, too...
and who knows greenie - I've heard tell of laundry rooms becoming the new singles bars.
AG: maybe in college that was the case, where you could meet someone in a laundry room. Not here. In all my trips to the other building I saw exactly nobody.
Does your ex always insist that you meet her in public places when you pick up your kids?
scribe: no. on weekends when she has to work on Friday night, she'll drop them off at my apartment.
OK. Was just wondering.
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