Clarification of my position: Israel v. Hezbollah
It seems that American Guy has taken offense to my statement that I support Israel 100% since he has dedicated an entire post on his blog to it and also linked it to God v. Darwin. He is now accusing me of taking pleasure in the deaths of Lebanese Muslims (and no doubt civilians, too) so I can "buy my ticket into heaven," or some other such nonsense.
It is unfortunate that civilians, mainly women and children, are caught in the middle of the fighting going on right now between Israel and Hezbollah.
I am pleased to read in today's Boston Globe that Israel has agreed to cessation of their airstrikes over southern Lebanon for 48 hours, because of the international outcry over the deaths of said civilians.
However, I strongly believe that the IDF has acted correctly in defending themselves against Hezbollah. This is an organization that, with public vocal support from Iran and Syria, and silent support from other Arab nations, would like nothing better than to have Israel and the entire Jewish population wiped from the face of the earth. Don't think for a second that the Hezbollah rockets being fired into towns in northern Israel are just for show. These rockets are being fired to do exactly the same damage to Israel's civilian population as the IDF's airstrikes are now doing to southern Lebanese towns in which Hezbollah is using as a shield. Hezbollah is not firng it's weapons at the IDF but at towns filled with Israeli civilians.
It is also very easy to believe that a terrorist organization like Hezbollah would intentionally set up their rocket launchers in heavily populated civilian areas so that when the IDF strikes back civilians would be hit. Terrorist organizations in general don't give a rat's rectum and what comes out of it about civilian populations - Israel's or their own. Hezbollah is no different.
Hezbollah knows that if/when the world and specifically Arab nations in general learn that the IDF has, however inadvertently, killed Muslim women and children, that more nations would condemn Israel and its actions. This is exactly the result desired by Hezbollah, even if it is not publicized. And, unfortunately, it works every time.
This current conflict, in my opinion, signals the return of an open Arab determination to eliminate the Jewish state once and for all, instead of veiled attempts to do the same. When I say I support Israel 100% always, I am referring to their right to exist and to be in that land, which is rightfully theirs.
Now this does not mean that I agree with everything the Israeli government does regarding the current conflict, simply because I don't know all of the details, facts and reasons behind it- because this information is not up for public debate or scrutiny.
However, I am very aware of the underlying reasons for the endless conflict between Israel and the Arab nations in the Middle East, which is an argument that has been going on for millennia and which I've stated above. This conflict has only one way to be permanently resolved. It is a way in which non-Christians and non-religious types refuse to deal.
What I do know is this: this conflict and others will continue to plague the region despite negotiations and promises of cease fire agreements and any other diplomatic efforts by the US, UN, EU, ACLU or the girl scouts.
And that this or any other conflict in the Middle East has no bearing whatsoever on wether or not I'm going to heaven or not.
Before you even ask - do I welcome the "end times"?
Yes and no.
Yes, because I believe that I, nor any other Christian for that matter, will be present on earth for it.
No, because I have a general idea of what's coming and have great compassion for those who will have to live through it (or try to anyway...). Have you ever heard the phrase "hell on earth"? This future time, my friends, is exactly what it refers to.
Neither does this current conflict have any effect on the yet future reality of Armageddon, for Jesus Himself said:
"...You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains..." Matt. 24:6-8
Finally, I know this from past experience - that AG (and perhaps others) will attempt to twist my words in this post to make me out to be some kind of evil racist who hates Arabs or Muslims when nothing could be further from the truth.
So I leave you with this question: Do you support Israel or Hezbollah? C'mon, be brave and voice your opinion and (if you care to say) why you take one side or the other. I think it's evident whom I support.